Vision Mapping Strategies© and the process of Vision Mapping itself, create an exciting and passionate venue to gain total clarity around your entire life – business and personal! As we work through page after page of large easel paper, getting closer and closer to that “aha” moment, the emotions build, knowing that there are answers and an exciting plan of action just waiting to appear — and it ALWAYS does!

Clear vision allows you to work systematically toward your desires and goals!

Visions are the original blueprint of the successful outcome to which you aspire.

Vision mapping will show you the way to that dream!

These sessions are for individuals, small groups, couples or teams. Sometimes a business wants to bring in a specific team, or maybe everyone, to gain clarity and focus on overall direction. Perhaps a corporation desires individuals, or teams, to understand a particular direction or re-ignite a company passion! Maybe you need to explore and re-discover what makes you passionate about life or work.

Fees for this service vary, depending on location, length of the process (from three hours to one day or more) and whether or not it is for one person, or more. Men and women come to work with me in Sedona, or I can travel to your space. Contact me for a free consultation about your needs and more questions about how this very specialized process would work for you or your company.

Often, when working in Sedona, we are able to “vision map” by the river, or in an inspiring canyon—your choice!

The magic of the red rocks can create their own inspirations as you become immersed in your successful transition plan of action!