New Day New Thoughts New Journeys

New Day New Thoughts New Journeys

Sunrise winter ferry rides in the San Juans can be breathtaking! Recently, on one of my work trips to Orcas Island for the day, I was lost in thought gazing through the mist, and suddenly the sun barely squeezed its presence through the hazy sky. And I immediately thought of  ‘new journey beginnings.’ I reflected on the newness of my employment as a job coach for developmentally disabled adults. I had not envisioned this genre of work, yet a few months ago the opportunity showed up in my email totally unexpectedly. Pondering further, I tried to place the job into the context of my own process of Vision Mapping Strategies. Honestly, I can’t imagine how my employment as a job coach and employee consultant for these clients fit into my visions. This definitely remains to be discovered in its own time frame. However, cutting to the chase, I have a question for you — after you read this, are you going to make yourself hyper-vigilant this week, being on the lookout for an  unexplained opportunity flowing into your life? It may change the course of your journey, so be prepared for greatness! (Thank you Coachville.)