Vision Mapping Strategies for the Immortal

Imagine sitting by the river in Sedona, Arizona, sharing your deepest dreams, visioning the perfect plan for your journey forward. The sun is shining on Cathedral Ledge, puffy clouds wafting over the hills, and the water is soothing away distractions and stresses. And...

Re-creating The Child’s Vision Within

Remember when you were kids and how the time flew by while you played? This is where I played almost every week — Portland Head Light in Portland, Maine. You’ve probably seen this picture on several calendars. Every time I see it, I smile and in my...

Play Harder for Stragegic Vision & Creativity

Creativity Necessary For Strategic Vision The May 2011 issue of Entrepreneur just arrived in the mail, and an article by John Kao caught my eye: “…A leading expert on business innovation has a radical prescription for any company serious about growth: Play...