Inner Freedom Method


The Inner Freedom Method ™* is a sequence of transformational techniques that guide you from feeling stuck (inner resistance) to feeling free (inner freedom).

Register now to schedule your FREE initial consultation.

Inner Freedom Method

Woman on BackroadPlaying a big game in life requires big thoughts and big actions. We all have a purpose, self-expression, and a strong desire to look deeper into ourselves to manifest our tremendous visions.

Sometimes people wonder why they are not reaching their goals or the successes they dream about. There are many reasons why people can get stuck on their path to achievements.


  1. Conflicting influences (beliefs about self that don’t fit with actions)
  2. Negative messages that our mind repeats (we act on what our mind tells us)
  3. Environments that don’t support us (there are 9 types of environments)
  4. Fatigue due to trying and not succeeding (support and a plan of action can lead to success)
  5. Behaviors based on old, and unconscious, patterns and habits (create awareness and adopt new habits)


Woman in FieldOften we get stuck because fear creates a conflict: Will I be successful? Do I have what it takes to fulfill my dream? Will I be a disappointment to others?

Any endeavor in life can be played as a winnable game.

In the pursuit of progress and happiness, The Inner Freedom Method is a powerful 9-step method where you identify patterns of fear and transform them into a powerful source of energy to fulfill your purpose to Play BIG.

With this breakthrough Inner Freedom Method you learn how to approach fear with the spirit of play; to explore it with curiosity. With expanded awareness, we can transform inner conflict into positive energy, joyful self-expression, and deep confidence.

This leads to winning choices and winning results!

The Inner Freedom Method ™* is a sequence of transformational techniques that guide you from feeling stuck (inner resistance) to feeling free (inner freedom). The Method consists of 13 one-hour sessions, with intermittent emails and feedback from Sharon.

Register Now to schedule your FREE initial consultation.


By the end of the Inner Freedom Program, you will…

Woman in Joy


Create new breakthroughs and actions.

Woman at Sunsetq


Transform limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, into powerful new directions.

Woman in Swing


Understand your super strengths and how they lead to growth opportunities.

Woman Jumping


Perform at a higher level while bringing your heart’s desire into the real world.


Hear what other participants have to say about Sharon’s Inner Freedom Method.


Sharon Hooper’s Inner Freedom coaching system offers an unusual combination of tools that access parts of your mind that usually never come into play using other modalities. (And I’ve tried many, including taking coaching classes myself.)

As a result of Sharon’s sessions, it feels as if new doors have swung wide open in my brain, allowing me to access new thoughts, make new plans and take new steps I never considered taking before.

Before each session, I never knew what was going to come out of me, yet it always felt easy, playful, and incredibly constructive for moving myself forward much faster than I ever expected I’d go. It felt like I was receiving a weekly inner jet pack!

JGF Marketing Consultant, Portland OR

Woman in Studio

When I began Sharon’s Inner Freedom coaching method, I had no idea how powerful her coaching would be for me.

My dream is to become a six-figure income-producing artist. I quickly learned that there were blocks in the way to my dream’s success. As we went through each session, I discovered what was stopping me from reaching my vision.

Each week, something was uncovered that was a big “aha” for me, and I ‘fixed’ it. Right now, I am meeting my monthly financial goals and well on the way to living my dream as a successful artist, while simultaneously enjoying my growing financial security.

T. Smith, Artist, San Juan Islands

Ready to Discover Inner Freedom

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Start Forging Your Own Path.

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