sunday, may 6.12 025 This week I spent three hours with a woman who wanted to do a vision mapping strategies session with me to get past ‘stuck’.  She had been spinning her wheels for the past year, now undecided about which direction she would choose with her thirty years of art therapy experience and skills.

The session began gently as we started to draw circles and shapes on easel paper with colored markers. Soon, the flow of ideas and words increased with conviction, the journey beginning to provide clarity toward her vision and the end result she desired, which was still three years away.

Her  present mind clutter was dissolving as more conversation was shared. While we were processing her vision map and I listened to her free flowing words, I became aware how challenging it is for people to show up exactly the way their heart desires.  I’ve been there myself, many times.

Mindfully, looking at past vision mapping sessions with others, I could relook at how halting, and even painful, it was for men and women to express their inner most secrets and passions for the life they truly wanted to live. Our session allowed them to be seen in a totally unique way, confidentially. There was nothing to hide from, no place to retreat.

I don’t have much more to say about this at the moment. However, I am leaving you with three questions: IF you are afraid to be seen for who you truly are, why are you fearful? And, IF you do ‘hide’ do you wish to make a change? And…If you want to passionately move forward with your life, how might you do that? If you get stuck, I’m here. Drop me an email any time. Be brave. Reach out to someone. We don’t have to do life alone.